Induction Scheduled! 🙌🏻

37 weeks 5 days. Due date is June 12th. I went into labor and delivery tonight bc my contractions were getting more intense and closer together but unfortunately I wasn’t more than 2cm dilated. When the midwife came in to talk to me she casually mentioned that I had been scheduled to be induced. My boyfriend and I looked at her and both of us just went, “we are?!” I knew they were looking into it but hadn’t heard anything since my last appointment about it. So unless baby girl comes on her own, we’re getting induced June 5th at 8am!!! My sister is due in July (complete accident that we got pregnant so close together lol) and her baby shower is June 3rd and her response to the news was this 🤣
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I'm also being induced june 5th at 8:30!

@Ari omg yay!! I hope it goes smoothly!! Can’t wait for you! 🥰

we have the same due date!

@Anna oh wow!! Not to be creepy, but I see you’re from Wyoming! I loved there for about 4-5years!! Im originally from Oregon, but have family there. Such a small world!

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