How do I know if I really want another child?

I’ve always wanted 5 kids …. I started really considering our income and inflation and decided 2-3 max is what we can afford to take care of . I’ve been looking at school costs for in a few yrs and I’m thinking about formula costs and honestly it’s gonna be very hard to be pregnant with a toddler or even to have a baby and a toddler . Maybe I just shouldn’t have a second one and just take care of my one. I’ve never imagined myself with just one . The benefits would be more money to do things and trips with them but on the other hand they wouldn’t have a friend for life if we don’t .
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You sound just like me 😂🥹❤️ It’s crazy because I had just decided that I didn’t want any more kids for awhile before I found out I was pregnant with our second. We’ve always wanted five, but now we’re thinking two is probably going to be it for us. It got way less expensive once my first was out of diapers. And I had them in similar seasons so all of the clothes I could reuse ❤️ It’s not easy to make that decision. So I hope it finds you with grace. ❤️

@Tori we’ve been trying for a baby for 2 months with constant negative pregnancy tests . I keep seeing awareness reels about miscarriage and still birth and it just really has me thinking that maybe it’s all a sign that my son is all I need . I don’t want my kids more than 2 yrs apart so that they’d be close in age . I just don’t know what’s best for my child or for my sanity .

We were initially “trying” and it’s funny because when we stopped actually trying is when I ended up pregnant. Don’t lose hope if this is what you truly want. Best for your child? The answer will come to you. Best for your sanity? I can’t tell you that the two under two game is good for your sanity. It’s a wild ride. But it’s good for the heart. ❤️ I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to pray for you if that’s okay.

@Tori that’s okay if you want to

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