Child support

This is probably the wrong platform to ask this question, but I'm hoping someone has encountered a similar situation. 8 years ago, when my ex and I separated, I was faced with having to request Kansas state help for medical insurance. Unbeknownst to me, they immediately went after him for child support that he's been paying ever since. In just a cpl of months, I'll be relocating with said daughter to the state of Virginia. Her bio dad lives in the state of Missouri. Will KS still require him to pay child support or will it have to be moved to VA? I thought I had everything lined up for the move until i realized that none of us will even be in the state! Help... if you can! 🤦🏽‍♀️ I do plan on calling them on Tuesday.
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Child support will continue but be moved to the state that you’re moving to, you’ll probably have to contact them just to be sure

Thank you

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