Waters broken

So my waters broke last night at 11pm and I’m starting to get very mild contractions. 37+2 and was adamant I was going to be late. Can’t believe my little one is going to make an early appearance!! 👶🏽
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Did you have any signs before your waters went??? Good luck xxx

@Michaela Literally nothing! Was in bed and rolled over and thought I had wet myself, stood up and a big gush came. Went to triage to get checked and she said they have deffo gone and to go home and hope contractions start naturally x

Good luck! X

How exciting 🥳

That’s so random isn’t it!! Apparently they say only 15% of peoples waters break before contractions! Xx

So exciting!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️


My water broke this morning aswell I’m 38+5 weeks pregnant and went in to get checked and they sent me home until I get contraction naturally aswell, has your contractions started yet?

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