Smoking while pregnant

I recently jus found out im pregnant n I can’t eat or sleep unless I it safe to smoke until my first prenatal appointment at 7 weeks? (im 3 weeks now)
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Great to do your own research on the topic & make your choice for YOU. There’s going to be people that say it’s fine & those that say don’t do it. Not a topic that has enough research so a lot of people voice from personal opinions/ experiences. Take in consideration at your initial prenatal appointment they normally drug test & if you smoke up until then you’ll most likely fail the THC part, taking that in consideration with state laws, your OB beliefs on the subject among other things PERSONALLY I smoked throughout my first and current pregnancy, (herb vaporizer) but passed all my drug tests as well, my 1st is thriving had absolutely no issues with labor ( went natural ) & all is well with my current pregnancy and planning on natural as well.

I stopped cold turkey just in case

I’m 7 months and I still do. My sister and best friend did the entire time as well and they are the brightest kids I know 😂 you’ll get a lot of hate but like you said if I don’t do it I can’t eat or sleep so 😩 and I still throw up so yeah smoking a little just helps me cope

@NKia Du Guay i agree

@Leah I smoked with my first baby around 21w n he’s healthy, im jus scared of a miscarriage if I smoke😭

My friend has 2 autistic siblings and she’s been diagnosed with adhd. Her mom smoked weed before and during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I just wouldn’t risk it. There’s not enough research for what I’m assuming is obvious reasons like it’s very risky and unethical to put a baby in that situation. But you know some people on the internet shouldn’t be the reason you should or not. Just do your own research or talk to your doctor please.

There are no links to ASD & smoking. No conclusive evidence. Definitely have your opinions, but state facts. This is most definitely a controversial topic & as stated many will have different views and experiences. Shouldn’t really seek advice on a subject from internet strangers, as said before DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH & DO WHAT YOU THINK IS BEST FOR YOU.

I know a mom who smoked back in the day when they didn't think it could be harmful. Both her adult children have learning disabilities and had many challenges in school.

It’s not worth the risk tho ! Everyone I personally know who smoked had issues at birth. Then I hear ppl say they had non but I wouldn’t risk it, but that’s just me.

I have been smoking since it is the only thing to help with my nausea and panic attacks from my PTSD. I recently told my doctors and they were supportive and told me to not be ashamed or feel judged. We need to be healthy to have healthy babies. Do what is best for you. And read a lot of research. I am definitely finally to feel more comfortable with my decision, but I would still like to cut back.

Melatonin works great and it’s safe

Honestly I had the worst morning sickness through my whole pregnancy and the only time I could eat or didn’t feel so sick was when I smoked. I have a beautiful healthy 4 year old

Your body is reliant on weed to eat and sleep now, but it probably won’t be after it’s out of your system. When you’re used to smoking all the time, it affects your natural systems. When I quit, I was surprised that I didn’t really need it the way I thought I did. It did take a while to adjust however. It is not proven to be safe to smoke during pregnancy. I would err on the side of caution. If something goes wrong, you don’t want to have to question if you did everything you could for your baby.

I’ll start by saying there’s not enough research to know but I wouldn’t tell your doctor. Maybe ask but dont imply that you smoke. I say this because they did test my baby’s urine for drugs when she was born. It’s wasn’t a big deal (it was a legal state) but I did quit at 34-35 weeks and she was clean. Not sure why people think the smoking marijuana to cause autism as nobody knows the true causes to autism. But anyway, my girls are 2 and 4 and incredibly smart and healthy 😊 I never smoked blunts or joints thought just my glass piece or a vape. Edibles are another option if you don’t want the smoke but I just smoked. I have 2 friends who also smoked and they each have 2 kids (ages 8, 4, 3, 2) and all are healthy and smart! The 4 year old boy did start talking later than “normal” but he’s doing very well now. Some just take their time. All that to say do what you are comfortable with. Know the risks and go from there.

Also, a social worker did come into my room after delivering to say if my baby tested positive they’d open a case (Colorado), send a social worker to my house to ensure the marijuana is locked or put up where baby can’t get. If all checked out they’d do a random home visit to confirm and then close the case. Is that something you want to deal with? Idk. They only tested my baby because I told them right away that I smoked. I was never tested with my firstborn because I never disclosed that and they didn’t suspect any drug use.

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my mom smoked with all 3 of us and we are completely fine! I know many moms who smoke weed while pregnant and babies are all completely normal. tho i’m not a doctor I think you will be okay. try to stick to papers,bongs, or pipes the tobacco is what scares me

Pregnancy / postpartum is a single year of your life. Just a year. Go cold turkey, you can do it! Challenge yourself. Why risk a lifetime for your child just for momentary comfort now? I went cold turkey on everything. I was actually smoking cigarettes at parties, marijuana at home, drinking alcohol, and a pot of coffee a day. It sucks but you have a great reason and that will give you strength. I’m 4 months postpartum now and i can tell you that it was such a rejuvenating experience! I feel so much more in control of myself now. I have a cup of coffee a day, maybe two, I drink cocktails on occasion (instead of an entire bottle of wine) and one puff of weed gets me as high as it did when I was a teenager smoking in the woods after school. I’ll say it again. You got this!

i only smoked a handful of times throughout my pregnancy but when i did it was once a day and never consecutively. my daughter is fine but i was nervous about it too

I have with both kids came out healthy with no issues at all. But it’s up to you

Please please Please don’t smoke and don’t risk your child life. Moms are stronger and they can do anything and everything. So quitting smoking is not a big deal. Stay strong and stay firm

@Marium my “at risk “ child is above his developmental milestones. he can hold his bottle, put his binky in his mouth and can nod “yes” and is barely 3 months. proud cannamom😊😊

It’s getting bad out here. People can’t eat or sleep unless they smoke??? You’re saying your body can’t survive without weed?? How were you living before???

@Diana my doctor literally told me if I’m worried about safety that smoking weed would be better during my pregnancy that to take something prescribed for nausea. Like anything they prescribe us might be considered safe during pregnancy but it still isn’t good at all and is just like taking pill form of chemicals.

I smoked my first trimester for my morning sickness then stopped during the middle when I felt a lot better. THEN smoked at the end of my pregnancy for how bad I was in pain for the size I got, it helped me actually be able to sleep through the back pain and help me eat. My doctors said it’s better than half the things they prescribe mothers these days. Maybe take it in edible tincture form if your worried about smoke and the baby

@Mariah she’s referring to that during pregnancy. I don’t think she’s saying she can’t survive without weed lol she’s pregnant and everyone’s experience can be so very different. My first pregnancy was super easy but I continued to smoke because I struggled with depression and I didn’t like the effects of pills. My second pregnancy was more difficult with nausea and lack of appetite, so smoking helped me be able to eat. Could I survive without it? Yes absolutely. Would I suffer without it? Yes. To each their own.

@Mariah loud n wrong

I think I did it up until 6 months or so. It’s up to you. My kid is fine, very smart and he just turned two. Knows abcs, colors, numbers, and a few words. Starting to say sentences. It’s really up to you.

I could only keep force myself to eat and mostly keep food down when I smoked a bit. I smoked most of my pregnancy and everyone tells me how scary smart my daughter is.

No! It is not safe at all. I quit cold turkey as soon as I found out I was pregnant.

The use of marijuana during pregnancy can pose risks to the developing fetus and may have long-term effects on the child's health and development. Research has shown that exposure to marijuana during pregnancy can increase the risk of various complications, including preterm birth, low birth weight, and developmental issues. THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, can cross the placenta and affect the baby's brain development. Additionally, marijuana use during pregnancy has been associated with an increased likelihood of the child experiencing problems with attention, behavior, and learning as they grow older. It's worth noting that these effects can vary depending on the amount and frequency of marijuana use during pregnancy. Given the potential risks, it is generally advised that pregnant women abstain from using marijuana in any form, including smoking, vaping, or consuming edibles

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@Hope thats a reach

@Leah just being honest

@Hope my child is advanced asf for his age

@Leah that’s great! I’m not saying it happens to every child when someone smokes. Just saying those are the risk factors. It’s very likely that their child could turn out healthy and advanced for their age like yours. I’m all for smoking, I do it but I refuse to do it around my son and I quit smoking once I found out I was pregnant. I quit while breastfeeding also. Better safe than sorry in my opinion. But, to each their own.

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