
My baby is 4 months old and all night he wont stop shuffling and wakes himself up. Hes fully fed and has been winded. I have no idea what is wrong with him and why be isnt settling even when iv putten him down in a deep sleep.. he was in a fixed routine where he would sleep but all off a sudden hes started to shuffle throughout the night.. any idea what i can do
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Is he waking up or just shuffling?? My little girl (16 weeks today) wiggles all night to the point she ends up in a completely different position in her crib than what I put her in at the start of the night. She doesn't wake up she's just a wiggler. X

My daughter is 4months and is exactly the same. She is a sleep shuffling but you do get worried that she not having a good rested sleep.. It's reassuring to know she isn't the only one lol

Since your baby is waking himself up maybe put a thick blanket around him rolled up into a U position so he can feel some snuggle. Kind of like when we slept in a pregnancy pillow. My nephew used to want to feel like someone was still making contact and I did that U pillow for him and he stopped waking up even when he shuffled. My 4 month old shuffles too but with him he loves to sleep with a pacifier, idk if your pro or against pacifier but thats helping me alongside white noise, for some reason my baby does not like the full silence & last, this trick I saw on tik Tok — I filled up a latex glove with rice & I place it on him sometimes and he thinks he’s still holding my hand lol .

@Stephanny hey, I hope this doesn’t come across as rude, but the rolled up blanket and glove tricks don’t sound safe x

@Stephanny safe sleep guidelines are to keep cots empty, please don't encourage people to add things to their babies cots. This could be dangerous!

I find sleeping bags help with this.

Try a pacifier

My little one constantly has his arms & legs moving and I found the love to dream swaddle really helped him

@Xanthe I don’t find it rude it all depends on whatever works for you. It worked for my brother and sister in law. & for my baby the glove is mainly for naps not for all nighter but I wouldn’t do this once he starts turning over alone .

@Chloe whatever works for whatever parent. Some parents have a screaming baby and what wouldn’t work for you will work for them.

@Stephanny yes, it is about what works but within safety guidelines to keep babies as safe as possible. I'd rather a crying baby all night than put him at risk of SIDS.

You’re right

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