My man watches porn everyday!!

I'm honestly fed the fuck up!!! I just need to vent so I don't make a bad decision. This man sleeps in the living room every night for 1. For 2 he shows no sexual attraction towards me. For 3 when we do have sex its less than 7 minutes and he doesn't look at me for 4 he's emotionally unavailable for me. I talked to him about this shit months ago I said I feel your not into me from all the porn u watch its making me feel insecure about myself he goes I don't even watch it like that idk why your trippin so I let it slide.. he still doing the same shit he watched porn ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm tired of ppl telling me it's normal no it's not.. not when he's not paying any attention to me at all he doesn't touch me or sleep in the bed with me.. why the fuck am I here ? I'm so angry right now I'm pissed.. he's probably cheating too the way he's been acting AND HES SO DAMN RUDE TO ME!!! Anytime I address a concern or express how I feel I get made to feel dumb for feeling that way or cussed out. I wanna leave this man so bad. Therapy for what? Talking to him about it for what ? Tired of waiting my fuckin breath. I'm checking out of my relationship this is too much for me
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If I were to watch porn and see big Ds playing with myself he would flip out.. he doesn't even like it when men try to Holla at me in public talking about I feel insecure when you go to the gym seeing those big muscler guys. But yet you watch naked women everyday that's not even close to the same yet I'm supposed to be okay with it

You deserve better girl! Porn addiction is a really serious problem & often does stop men getting any normal sexual gratification because porn is often so false! I would give the ultimatum that he either seeks help for his porn addiction or you’re leaving him! My partners friend had a serious porn addiction and he only wanted to have porn type sex which often involved degrading things to her, their whole relationship suffered and eventually she left him as he refused to seek help! He did eventually seek help after he admitted to watching porn/masturbating up to ten times a day! Like most addiction you need help to overcome it and it does often ruin your closest relationship! If he don’t seek help I don’t think there’s anything you can do to fix it other than to leave him xx

To me it seems like this porn issue is just a symptom/tip of an iceberg of a deeper laying problem(s) in your relationships. It doesn’t sound the normal family/relationship, what you described. You decide if you want that in your life

If you aren't married I would leave. That's toxic and he is addicted. If you ever need to talk message me.

But please don’t think you’re not enough, like I said it’s the addiction that takes any gratification out of a normal healthy sex life, you’re not the problem at all! He’s probably so rude to you about it because he’s aware it’s a problem and gets embarrassed so tries to turn the tables xx

@Natalie why if she isn't married? She can still leave if they're married

Girl you are worth so much more!!! Get out of that relationship! If you have tried to bring up your concerns and your emotions are rejected… it’s time to move on. You have to be honest and ask yourself if you see a way for this to work? The fact that he stays in a separate bed brings to question the distance in the relationship. You deserve someone who’s going to sleep in your bed, if anything probably watch porn with you, and who wants to touch you and love you. This man is not it! You deserve so much more 👏🏽🔥♥️ he seems to have internal issues and your intuition is going off like a red light.

@Kirsty, my belief is that marriage is for the rest of your life. If I were married to someone like that, I would do everything possible to make it work since, to me, personally, marriage is a commitment that I won't break.

Married? Leave. Dating? Leave. Porn is a serious problem and it’s NOT normal…

I’m sorry but no this is not okay. You know you deserve better…

My baby's father had an porn addiction let me tell you it don't get any better.. ino how u feel and it's brutal.. girl the best for you would be to leave and start over or stay single.. he ain't gona make you feel any other type of way sending hugs x

That sounds like an addiction— so, know it has nothing to do with your worth. The question to answer is if he is worth dealing with an addiction bc he first has to see it’s a problem( especially if he doing that on your birthday!!!! So sorry), then he has to work through it however he may. Do you have the time/ emotional capacity for that? Or is it time to go? 🤍💐

What is up with pornnnnnnnnnn

Why are you there??!

Get out of that right not it doesnt get better my ex was a porn addict idk if he still is but that shit only got worse

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Our marriage date is 9/22/2023 we were just working on the food entrys.. why are u doing this right now!! He's got me second guessing if I can put up with this for the rest of my life.. there's no way in hell I'm dealing with it. You got me feeling awkward about myself I can't even get naked around him. I'm not a ugly girl I take care of myself you have the nerve.. my sisters look at me crazy because they think he's the perfect man for me he provides for everything and the lifestyle we live.. they like it's better than him fuckin other girls.. so I'm supposed to choose? They say if the good out weighs the bad keep it but the bad is getting heavy. I could see if he was showing interest in me sexually I wouldn't even be complaining but every damn day with no affection you have got to he crazy.. he has a big ass ego so I can't just come at him sideways he's like a baby with a ego sensitive ass. Ima just say I'm not going to judge you for what you choose on your spare time but I don't want no parts of it.

I'm not going to be with anyone who prefers watching porn over me. If you don't want to back off it then that's your decision do you honestly but I won't be around..

Yeah I wouldn’t settle just because he’s okay in other aspects. I settled for someone for YEARS just because he was nice and never cheated on me. My mom always gave him the benefit of the doubt that’s why I stayed so long. But he was a liar and made me feel terrible about myself and I lost myself terribly.

I wouldn’t leap to assuming he’s cheating (just for my own sanity lol no need to go there without proof) but honestly porn is horrible. I hate that it’s been normalized. It destroys so many relationships. Sorry you have to deal with this.

This is why women need to be independent! You are better than this! Do not have a man treating you with such disrespect. He doesn’t want you and there are sooo many red flags. Don’t torture yourself like this when your real prince couldn’t be waiting for you out there!!! If you are financially stable and can do this on your own then show him what you are worth!!!

I seriously would take YOU into consideration and move forward in life! there’s so much to experience and peace out there so to sit and deal with this seems frustrating and sad :(

Time to gooooooo ✌🏻

I’d fuckin leave. But that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️

I been watching porn in a marriage is disrespectful. My husband and I don't watch it just out of respect for one another, when he first explained this to me I thought he was a bit crazy. However I matured and realized he was right. It's disrespectful when he's pretending to have another woman. It's just as disrespectful if your staring at a giant sick thinking that what's fucking you right. But sounds like there is much more that's missing. I would say leave.

The fact tht he can’t look at u when y’all make love is telling.

Update We havnt talked since yesterday only time we talked when it was about the kids. My heart hurts 😭 he's choosing porn over me that's how i feel I'm lost I havnt ate I can't sleep I'm crying all day yet no one cares I strongly dislike myself for putting myself in this situation with a man who doesn't care

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