Is it me?

Is it me or is it just not funny laughing at a kids reaction to something they’re not used to? For reference; My partner - babies dad - has always had his hair long, not long as in ponytail long but it sits on his shoulders, and a beard. In 2 weeks time, we’re going on holiday so he decided today to get it cut. Hair and beard. It’s short. I won’t lie, there’s no beard left, and his hair is short! Mil has just messaged me to film my girls reaction because ‘it’ll be funny’ as she hates seeing him without his glasses and so with a haircut will be hilarious. I don’t think it’s funny. He needed the cut fair enough, but I’m not about to shove a camera in my kids face so she can get a laugh. And I know where it’ll end up and I’ll get in trouble for saying something as I always do.
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I totally understand where you’re coming from, but for reference, my daughter was about a year old first time her dad shaved his beard off with no warning. When he walked in the room she screamed bloody murder and cried. I’m sure to her part of her daddy’s face was missing. It was indeed super hilarious. She calmed down very quickly as soon as we put her hand on his chin and told her “it’s just hair, daddy’s ok.” Idk how old your kids are, but there’s my experience.

@LeeLee the first time he had this she was about 3/4 months old. So didn’t really take it in and didn’t care 😂 but this time she’ll be 2 next month so she’s more aware. I don’t know maybe I’m just being over sensitive because she’s so particular about certain things, like the glasses thing. It’s something she’ll have to get over of course, but I don’t know! X

Whether it is funny or not I feel like video taping it should be a line you don't cross if you don't want to. Taking videos of your child shouldn't be something you feel obligated to do especially if you are worried that the person who wants it is going to spread it around.

I feel the same way, kids are so sensitive and it’s so easy to diminish them and their sense of self by doing things that are normal for adults like poking fun at each other. My husband often laughs at my kids (2 and 4yrs) and my oldest especially gets her feelings hurt a little like I can tell her expression is just confused. Kids are smart and can tell when they aren’t in on the joke. I can’t myself doing it sometimes too like laughing when my kids are pronouncing something funny or do something weird but I always try to uplift them when I catch myself in those moments by telling them they’re smart and complimenting something idk

And sometimes as soon as I realize that she’s upset that people are laughing at her (even in an innocent way that’s completely non ill intended) and I give her a hug and apologize she’ll say thank you and I can tell she really appreciates the acknowledgment

@Afi to be honest I don’t know why it bothers me. I’d be feeling the same if my own mum asked too. But I just feel like it’s something that’s clearly distressing her and it’s being laughed at? So to me it’s just not funny. If that makes sense x

Exactly what Alfi said. At the end of the day, it’s your baby and your choice.

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