
Hey girls So I've recently experienced what I believe to be a prolapse. I have a son who is 2. I went to the GP who referred me to a physio but the wait could be long I have placed a photo in the comments, if anyone had any advise or comments on the stage I'm at I'd be so grateful. I'm so worried about everything now 🤦‍♀️
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Get yourself a pelvic floor trainer and do the exercises religiously. Every day.

There’s a group of fb prolapse postpartum moms club. Lots of info & postive stories of moms who have healed theirs.

Hey Casey 👋 Sorry you are going through this, I know how you feel. For diagnosis there is an app called Mighty networks, they have helped me in diagnosing mine. She also has an Instagram page, postpartum_prolapse. In the meantime, I will share my experience and hopefully that will help you. My physio asked me not to strain in the toilet, it makes the prolapse worse. Also if possible please buy a toilet stool, it really helped me. Keep yourself hydrated and have enough fiber. My physio asked me to have collagen in the form of chicken broth. I do some basic stretching in the morning, I will message you the PDF. Other then all this, I do my physio exercises and have bought a RYC program. I feel combining both of them has helped me keep my symptoms away. I once ran and it made my prolapse worse, so I don't do high impact exercises. I don't walk more than 3-5 km in one go, as suggested by my physio. It definitely gets better with time ❤️

@Casey was this a prolapse?

@Alice hi Alice, yes its a prolapse. Its such a nightmare

@Casey did they refer you to physio? Xx

@Jo yeah they did but im still on the waiting list, apparently it can take quite a while cx

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