@Neesh thanks for the reply! Have you ever taken your little ones?
I’ve not taken my kids before, but I will I’ll be taking my almost 5 month old on Sunday. We’ll be based at The Quiet Night Inn pub right next to Westbourne Park station as we’ll have somewhere to sit, feed LO and grab some food for the adults. They also have a terrace which I think you can watch the parade from. My older kids (19 & 22) will probably wonder off at some point 😝 Drop me a message if you decide to go ☺️
Personally if carnival this year was anything like how it was last year I wouldn’t bring the little one. I’m not sure if it was because it was the first carnival post Covid, but it was so packed it was ridiculous. If you arrive really early as it starts that’s the best time but as it gets further in to day I would say from 2/3pm it just gets ridiculous. If you’re taking the little one I would suggest going at around 10.30/11am to see the floats, then from 1.30/2 maybe find a sounds system to be by rather than being by the floats at that time. If you go and leave early you will be able to take a buggy. Definitely gets some headphones to protect her ears too! Hope this helps!