@Amy it’s a faaaabulous book. I’ve just gifted one to a friend who’s just had her baby because it’s like a million IBCLC sessions in a book. Lucy Webber is putting herself and follow IBCLCs out of business 😂😂😂😂😂.
Thank you @Tanya 😊 the photo doesn't do it justice but deffo green and very different to all her previous poos. Is green still okay then?? She is so unhappy at moment. Won't take bottle or breast and its breaking me if I'm honest :( xx
It could very well be the formula but it really only looks a tinge, it looks more mustard on the photo. It doesn’t appear to be constipation from the consistency. The amount of poo & wee in the nappy looks good so she must be drinking enough for her needs! If you are worried though do seek help from your HV x
@Tanya omg I never knew it was debunked! This is soooo interesting. It’s always been a little worry in the back of my mind because everyone constantly says it lol. Interesting. Think I’ll have to invest in this book too