Pregnancy timeline

Hi everyone, just thought it may be nice if people wanted to share their pregnancy timeline. Just thought it can bring hope to others that the ttc journey can be difficult but can be positive too. Sept 22 ttc Dec 22 chemical July mmc @ 7weeks Still trying for little one.
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Started TTC in august 2022 Diagnosed PCOS in May 2023 First medicated cycle in August 2023 Currently 9dpo so fingers crossed 🤞🏻

Started trying august 2022 1 chemical miscarriage in December Currently 1st cycle on letrozole and shot, 11dpo

2018-2022 ttc. Sept 2021- diagnosed unexplained subfertility. Feb 2022- July 2022 clomid August 2022 miscarriage (from medicated last cycle) Nov 2022 ivf fresh, failed March 2023 ivf frozen, failed June 2023- found out expecting. (No intervention). Currently just over 19 weeks. X

@Jodie that’s amazing news so happy for you after your long wait.

@Helena thank you. Good luck on the letrozole.

TTC August 2020 Diagnosed with male infertility Dec 2021 Currently 32 weeks pregnant

@Sophie congratulations

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