so we currently live with my MIL and don’t get me wrong she has been very kind to us, letting me live here rent free and helping us out. it has definitely been a huge help super grateful for it. but there are some things that she does with my babygirl that really bother me. anytime my baby will be in her swing, car seat, bouncer etc my baby will start fussing and she IMMEDIATELY goes to pick her up and takes her to her room. it bothers me because she couldn’t ask to get her? now my bby is so used to getting picked up every time she even fusses a little and it’s been hard for me to get anything done when i’m home alone with my bby. we’ve alrdy told her to leave her unless she is really crying but she doesn’t listen. also one thing that bothers me is that she’s always kissing my baby & leaves A BUNCH of make up on my bbygirls face, this is something i told my bf that i didn’t like but he didn’t tell her anything so i’m thinking i’m going to have to put my foot down and tell her not to kiss her or leave her nasty ass make up all over my daughters face. me and my bf usually tell our own families our boundaries but he hasn’t mentioned this one to her so would it be wrong of me to be the one to tell her something? idk if it would be disrespectful of me to get on her lol since we have built a relationship where if i do something that bothers her she tells my bf, vice versa lol.
also another thing, since her and my mom don’t really get along i don’t get to see my mom often since she can’t come over because she’s not welcomed at my MIL house, i’ll usually facetime my mom frequently & well i was on facetime with my mom and she was talking to my babygirl having a conversation with her. out of nowhere my MIL comes up to us and starts having a conversation with my baby and it bothered me so much because she clearly heard my mom, so i got annoyed and hanged up & my MIL goes “oh you were talking to ur mom i’m sorry” 😐 idk i just can’t wait to move out of here soon to not have to deal with any pettiness
Having boundaries for YOUR child is completely ok and you have every right!! Just because someone is doing something for you doesn’t mean you have keep quiet about things that make you uncomfortable. Have a sit down with her and discuss your boundaries once again, your boyfriend needs to be on the same page as you aswell! All that makeup stuff shouldn’t even come in contact with your child’s skin & anytime she interrupts your mother’s phone calls with your baby, simply tell her “Give me one sec she’s talking to her grandma”. Don’t assume she hears you otp with her because she’ll keep using that as an “oh I didn’t know it was your mom” excuse.