Baby Eczema Help

Hi mamas! šŸ’• Iā€™m a FTM, and wondering if anyone elseā€™s baby is dealing with Eczema? šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve tried coconut oil, aquaphor, mixing aquaphor with breast milk & now trying Aveeno Eczema for babies. Has anyone had any luck with aveeno, or have you tried anything else that worked? Any advice would be amazing! I hate seeing my sweet baby suffer with itchy skin šŸ„ŗ
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Has your pediatrician prescribed an ointment yet? That may help

Tubby Todd all over ointment! Itā€™s pricey but totally works!

@Mariah thatā€™s definitely my next step! He was just there two weeks ago. She acknowledged it, but didnā€™t really mention anything about prescribing him any ointments. She almost made it sound like I could try stuff at home first? So I figured Iā€™d try whatever I can, and if nothing works, go back in asap. šŸ˜­

My niece had pretty bad eczema from 2 months, my sister had to shower her 2 times a week make sure she's super dry especially in her creases before she put her clothes on. Also put aveno eczema lotion on her every day up until today and just avoided or limited anything that would get her dry/moist. Hopefully it works for your baby otherwise she'll need something stronger good luck!

In extreme cases with a really bad flare up: you can do wet wrap therapy. My friend would call it mermaid jammies and would swear by it with her daughter. She would sleep like this. Steps: -bath -moisturiser -vaseline -slightly damp jammies -dry jammies over top On a daily basis: -bath -quickly do moisturizer -vaseline With both of these you want to trap the moisture from the bath in the skin

Tubby todd works as well as aveeno eczema

Also cut baby's nails i, you don't want them scratching themselves in their sleep since they're itchy. It's what I did with my girl while she was sleeping

It happened to my baby girl too and the pediatrician told me that I need to stop using the aveeno with lavender and something else it's the purple bottle she also said to stop using anything lavender that when I bathe my baby to just use the regular aveeno with the light blue cap and when im putting cream on her to lather her in it alot and 3 times a day it works wonders; the only thing that sucks is when I take her outside because it's hot the eczema would get a little bit bad but those are things I did and so far it worked

My son has been exactly like this from two weeks old to now 4 months old. She has a dermatologist appointment next month. I have tried everything everybody listed on these comments, but nothing worked.

my dr also prescribed ointment buttttt hear me out. ā€¦. they also recommended a bleach bath. itā€™s a teaspoon bleach. a teaspoon baking soda. 2 gallons of water. it gives like a mini pool feel. I said k wasnā€™t gonna do it. I did it one time and next day cleared up. I was shocked.

@Terra I second this!!!. By the time you buy all the other products that don't work your pretty much spending the same amount anyway!

Poor little dude šŸ˜ž my son's skin has looked a lot better when we switched to just sleeping in a diaper so his skin can breathe, but it's never looked that bad.

My girl has eczema as well and she gets pretty bad flare ups sometimesā€¦doc recommended to use OTC hydrocortisone 1%..I was hesitant to use it and tried everything thatā€™s listed by others but it would help not really clear it up, then I used the ointment and voila in two days, everything cleared up. Along with this, I give her bath EVERYDAY and then lather her in moisturizer, use Aveeno balm at night post using a damp cloth to clean her up again. She still gets some flares now and then but it has become so much manageable now.

Forgot to mention, keep changing your crib sheets every 2-3 days if not daily. I try to keep her sleeping area and playing area as much dust free as I can. Another thing that helped me was using premium cotton sheets rather than those microfibre ones, basically clothes and sheets that are breathable (cotton/muslin). Hope this helps.

My little guy had eczema from daily bathing. We cut down to bathing every three days per doctorā€™s recommendation and applying aquaphor right after, as well as daily, and it cleared up within a month. It was never that bad, but he did have it covering his body. I hope you find a solution that works!

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We've had good luck with Honest eczema balm. I actually use it myself for dry spots I've had since pregnancy, and it feels really nice. Our ped said to bathe less often and avoid anything with any fragrance added for sensitive skin. Good luck! ā¤ļø

Aloe Vera gel directly from the leaf

Is baby breastfed or bottle fed? My daughter was reacting to cow's milk (ebf) so when I went dairy free her eczema stopped completely

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