Night time routine?

What are your 18 month olds night routine ? We still give sippy cup of milk and rock until asleep and then put him in the crib but adding a newborn next March and not sure what routine will look like then .
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honestly it’s kind of the exact same as long as one person watches the newborn! sometimes they’ll be asleep by then anyways so y’all can both join in! — my husband and i have alternating nights

I’ve seen so many mixed things but my baby has always been one to have to fall asleep in our arms and then be put down and I’m not ready to change that lol

We brush teeth, read a book and put him in his crib with a blanket when he seems tired. Sometimes he’ll lay there and sing or talk for a bit until he falls asleep.

We do the same thing with our 18 month old daughter. I always rocker to sleep in my arms then when she’s asleep I put I’m her in the crib. But I’m trying to figure out how that will change with me being due in may2024

I always do dinner, bath, movie and milk and then put her in her bed

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