Jabs during pregnancy?

28 weeks & my gp sent me a text to get my flu jab and covid jab.. anyone else had there’s during pregnancy or didn’t get it, can I ask why if not
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I have both of them booked

I was only going to have flu but now considering Covid too as this variant is different.

I have my flu jab booked with my GP next weekend. I’m not getting my covid one (I haven’t been offered it) but I think I’d still decline just due to there being no research into the effects on having the vaccination during pregnancy

Had my flu today!

Not planning on getting either but am booked in for whooping cough.

@Laura how do you feel after? I am thinking of booking mine next week but worried about getting sick from it

@Roselyn I felt deadly after my whooping cough but feeling okay from the flu jab, just a bit woozy and tired x

I'll be getting both but I do every year. I normally get it before a day off/when I don't have much on as can leave you feeling a bit rough for a day - some years are completely fine though but I'd rather be prepared!

I already had all my Covid jab pre pregnancy. And I got my flu yesterday

I got a text about my flu and covid vaccine today. I don't really plan on either. I've never opted for the flu jab before and I won't be socialising anywhere near as much from the next couple of weeks either. I'm definitely not getting the covid jab as I felt absolutely awful after my first 3 and in all honesty only got them so I could travel. I don't like the lack of research in getting the vaccine during pregnancy either

Had my flu and whooping and felt fine after both :) xx

I’ve had both! It makes me relieved to think the babies will have some covid protection already when they’re born as they will likely be premature (twins) xx

I had my Covid jab yesterday and will get my flu in a couple of weeks. I didn't get invited but saw I was eligible so booked at my nearest pharmacist via 111's website. I feel fine so far, definitely not as painful as the whooping cough.

Are people leaving a space in between their flu and covid jabs? I’ve booked them 5 days apart but wondering if that’s not enough.

I think 5 days would be plenty, I left mine 3 days just so I didn’t feel like I’d been run over! I’m 24 hours after my covid shot and I feel fine. Was actually hoping it knackered me out so I could get a good sleep!!

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@Alex ok thank you! 😊 I guess if I’m still feeling ropey by the time it’s the second jab I can postpone!

@Alice its strange I spoke to the midwife yesterday and she advised to get them together. When I tried at the pharmacist they said I should wait 2 weeks 🤷‍♀️

For what it’s worth, my pharmacist did offer them both at the same time!

@Kathryn so confusing!! 🤯 I’d rather get them both done fairly soon as I want to be protected as early as possible. Will see what the pharmacist and midwife tell me!

I’ve never had a flu jab in my life so I’m not having that & I haven’t had any covid vaccines at all so won’t be having that either. I did have my whooping cough 2wks ago though, I’m 28+3 x

Im getting the whooping cough jab but not flu or covid xx

@Laura did you have any side effects from the flu jab? X

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