Can anyone help me out?

Has anyone tried the Stix early pregnancy test? I'm supposed to get my period in 2 days, and I decided to take a test just in case like I usually do, and it came out positive right away. I'm wondering if anyone has had a false positive with this brand. It's in the afternoon where I am, I ate and drank all day, and it's so clear. I recently was told I have low egg quality, so I thought it was near impossible to get pregnant on my own, so I'm hoping to hear good things. pic of the test below.
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False negatives are common but not false positives. If it came up within the timeframe and i would definitely say positive. Has good color to it as well.

@Kiyanna thank you, that definitely makes me feel better

I would say if it showed up during the right time frame it’s positive! I’d grab a better known brand tonight/tomorrow and test again to know for sure

@Mandy ok I'll definitely do that. Thank you

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