I've noticed my little one has green poo when I switch boobs quicker, again normally at night as she falls asleep and want her to have a good feed
Baby could be getting more fore milk instead of the fatty milk, make sure the feeds aren’t too short on the boob x
Called the Dr, apparently it is normal and nothing to be concerned about. Can be that baby isn't getting enough fatty milk like raised above. She has asked to take a sample as can also be an indication of a viral infection but he is fine otherwise!
I noticed more consistent green poos with my wee one last week (not just the odd one) and it turned out that he had a cold! There were some other symptoms too later on but for him the first one I noticed in hindsight were the green poos. He is absolutely fine, was a bit congested for a couple of days but luckily didn't even have a fever.
@Beáta hey, did the poos return to yellow for you?
@Natalie yes they did, it lasted about a week or so for my LO. How's it been for you?
@Beáta he’s been snotty and green poos for about a week I’d say, hopefully it ends soon x
Mine too, typically overnight! I just thought it might be down to him feeding less frequently overnight