@Amy I'm hoping for at least 37 weeks. That's when my pre-eclampsia developed with my last and we held out for 5 days before we had to do the c-sec. This baby is due a day before my youngest turns 1. So since the pregnancies are so close together it's more high risk.
I’ve never heard of MFM. Do you get referred to this when you are diagnosed with preeclampsia?? Just curious because I’m currently on baby aspirin to try to prevent it since i have family history and have gestational diabetes. And is it more likely to have c section when you have preeclampsia??
@Maria because I delivered my last baby early due to pre-eclampsia and the fact my blood pressure was already starting to rise before my 20 week appt my OB referred me to the MFM. I think because pre-eclampsia can become life threatening for mom and baby it is more likely to have a c-sec but I don't think it 100% guarantees you have a c-sec. When they diagnosed my pre-eclampsia with my last pregnancy I was having all the symptoms (swelling, headaches, protein in my urine) and I had a c-sec with my first so that was just the safest route for me.
@Lauren got it. My blood pressure has been more elevated since before 20 weeks as well, but not sure if it’s anxiety induced or not. I always went to my appointments anxious because of the fact i had a miscarriage last year. Thank you for the info. I’m hoping to make it to 37-38 weeks with my baby girl, but we’ll see how everything plays out. I know that swelling is normal in pregnancy, so is it different when you have preeclampsia?? Just curious so i know what to watch out for.
@Maria with pre-eclampsia it's usually one side that swells more. I also have a history of heart attack and hypertension before pregnancy so that's why I'm monitored more closely. I had my last baby at 37+5. We are hoping to make it to 37 weeks this time, but he could come as early as 34 weeks if I do develop pre-eclampsia again. Also if you start getting headaches and/or seeing spots then definitely let your OB know. If you have. A blood pressure monitor at home just check it a few time a day and write those readings down for your OB so they can see if there's any patterns.
I see a MFM too. I love their high tech ultrasounds. Fingers crossed we make it to 37 weeks! That's what I'm shooting for