Do you have a college account set up for your little one? You may be able to ask that friends and family contribute to the fund directly in lieu of gifts. It sounds like she takes great pleasure in gift giving, maybe try asking her for something specific? “I know you love giving gifts but you’ve been more than generous. Little one does need x if you still want to give them a present. Time with auntie is more than enough of a gift.”
@Dani✨ It's usually for occasions. I've tried asking her nicely just for 1-2 gifts... but it doesn't seem to work. @Alicia Agree that she takes pride / enjoys the gift giving process. Specifically, we asked for a bath toy. I always say that she's been too generous and emphasise that we'd prefer less. I got quite frustrated last year at Christmas because we spent all the time opening presents rather than doing other Christmas things (playing games, chatting etc) and when we were leaving after 3 days there were still presents under the tree. I feel like I've been polite to ask nicely for her to give less so many times over the last few years, and even lost my temper a few times. 😬 I don't understand how the message is not getting across.
My in-laws are like this. I had to create an Amazon wishlist for my son and said that everyone is allowed to buy 1 thing off the list. That list is shared with everyone in the family. I have stuff there that are different price points but are all stuff that I would use with my son. It allows my in-laws to buy the 'nicer' gift but not overwhelm us with tons of small unwanted gifts. Another thing that I've done is set up a 529 college fund. I encourage our family that in lieu of a toy, a contribution to his college fund would be more appreciated.
@Trish Thanks for sharing, it's reassuring to hear from someone who has the same experience. Both the wishlist and the college fund ideas are great. ❤️ Hopefully, there'll be a way forward. 🙏
Does she give presents randomly or for occasions like birthdays, Xmas etc? If the latter, just say you appreciate her gifts & thoughtfulness but one or two gifts per occasion is more than enough or maybe ask for gift cards to your preferred stores instead so you can buy what you actually need.