
I've been contracting strongly but inconsistently for 2 days. I'm 3.5cm dilated and 50% effaced as of yesterday. I'm just already sick of being in pain. With my first my water broke at 1cm and I just got to go in and have my baby with all the drugs lol. This being in pain for more than a day is a new thing for me and clearly I'm a baby. I want it to be over with. Labor and delivery says drink water 😭
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Most L&D places won’t admit you unless you’re a 5 or higher in dilation. Dehydration can also cause consistent contractions, which is why they said drink water!💕

Of course drink water to help, but if you’re looking to help speed along the process try a peanut ball or pillows in between your legs. Oh my lord did that work with my son, they had to break my water because I was 3cm for days in pain but wasn’t progressing so once they did that around 1pm I had him at 8pm. And around 4-5pm is when they gave me the peanut ball which really helped me get fully effaced and dilated.

Depending on how far along you are I’ve read in many places nipple stimulation can help get labor started 🙏🏼 I hope you find comfort soon girl I’m so sorry! I’ve been having prodromal labor for almost three weeks now which is basically consistent contractions 5-ish minutes apart and they hurt but they don’t cause your cervix to dilate and I’m SO over it so I get it. Just try to not stress as best you can and relax and take naps as often as you can so when they timing comes you’re more rested 🙏🏼🙏🏼 much love to you you got this!

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