Birth after having waters broken

I’m about to go in to have my waters broken after 2 days in hospital with 3 pessaries and I’m wondering how soon others have given birth afterwards? Not too sure what to expect and feel like I’ve been in hospital for weeks!
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I had the balloon, and it took 9 hours total labour and 11 minutes pushing she is my first

I had the pessary, then 24 hours later I had the gel then after those 6 hours I was ready to have my waters broken, I went into Labour pretty rapidly and had my baby 2 hours later, first baby. But I was told afterwards that I laboured extremely fast. Good luck x

I had pitocin, had my waters broken and within 7 hours gave birth. Good luck! X

My waters were broken at 10.30 after 2 pessarys and I delivered at 13.40

I got my waters broker at 5.30pm and my contractions started at 7pm and I was fully dialated and started pushing at 11.30pm and little man was here at 1.42am. It absolutely flew over once my waters had been broken x

Depends on how far dilated you are. I had mine popped around 8/9cm with both labours and delivered within the hour. Like lots of others said, I found contractions really ramped up both times once they were broken.

My waters broke 3am Tuesday last Tuesday, went into spontaneous labour 11am the next day and baby born 4:18 Thursday morning! All in all 49 hours so had to stay in hospital a few days to check me and baby for infection but all good 😊

Waters broken at 3cm at 5:15pm, baby born at 12:08am😊

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