Early pregnancy scan

Has anyone gone for an early pregnancy scan? I will be 6 week on Friday but my anxiety is through the roof after we lost a baby in August. I was thinking this might help calm me down. What is everyone thoughts on them?
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I lost a baby in August too I had one scan this time at 6+2 due to spotting and then 8+1 for my own anxiety. I also have a repeat one booked with EPU at 9+4. I feel like I needed them but I will say, they only settle my worry for a few days then it builds up again!

I am in the exact same situation as you. I’ll be 6 weeks on Sat and also had a miscarriage in August. After my miscarriage they told me that I should have an early scan around 6 weeks with my next pregnancy, but the midwives haven’t even responded to my self-referral yet so not sure what to do. I feel like I want the reassurance but at the same time I’m scared. I don’t want to book a private scan and then get bad news

That’s a very good point. It might only make me feel secure for a short while. That’s why I’m wondering whether or not to open myself to all this early scanning. I was so positive at first but I seem to be going down hill I think now it’s really set in that I’m pregnant again. It’s like a PTSD from last time.

My advice would be to leave it for as long as you feel you can - I was aiming for 8-9 weeks if I hadn’t got that spotting

@Diana try to push with the EPU, I was in contact with a bereavement nurse from previous MCs, last also in August and they did a scan and got me on progesterone

I also lost a baby in August currently 4+6 we are having a early scan two weeks today. Keeping everything crossed x

I would aim for 7 weeks minimum. I’m under EPU due to previous losses and saw an empty sac at what was supposed to be 6 weeks. That was most anxiety provoking. Went back a week later and saw everything including heartbeat. In hindsight I wish they had originally scanned me later x

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