@Gabrielle I haven’t used the supplement no but yeah she’s constantly on the breast and when she’s not I use the pump x
Gotcha have you used fenugreek. If so I’d stop using that because that could make your supply go down even more. But I would try the supplements.
@Gabrielle ah I have been using a tea with that in!! Just threw that in the bin haha! Yes I’ll definitely try the supplements thank you so much! X
I’m currently on it, it’s definitely upped my supply and I haven’t got any other side effects… feel free to drop me a message 😊
Do you eat enough? After giving birth I was eating so little, then I also had to take antibiotics for 10 days and that really restricted when I could eat (as well as having baby controlling the timing to eat) and I noticed my milk supply was decreasing. I doubled the portions I ate and started pumping (even if barely anything came, it was stimulating) and putting baby on the breasts a lot more often. In a few days I started having lots of milk. I was also given the advice to after every time I breast feed do the 3-5-7 method (pumping 3 minutes from one breast, then the other 3 minutes, then go back to the first for 5 min, 5min on the second, then 7min on first and 7min on second). This worked for my friend when she was struggling her supply. Just don’t give up, but try to relax and trust your body. I hope the medication will help too
@Lili I can’t stop eating🤣 I did have a c section this time and the doctor said that the C-section can effect milk supply, the only thing I haven’t tried is the milk supplements, but I don’t feel like I’m sleeping as she’s either on my boob or I’m pumping x
How did you get prescribed domperidone? Just going to your gp? I’m having the same issue with supply
@Hayley yeah my health visitor, midwife and the paediatrician all told me to go to my gp to get it! Xx
I’ve heard that’s really good. I used another one and that didn’t help me. But have you tried legendairy milk supplements or pumping a lot and putting baby on breasts a lot?