Mum guilt and drained (second pregnancy)

I know there have been a few posts like this and we are so close to the end! I am 38 weeks + 2 currently. I feel so drained, I have an 18 month old and I feel so guilty that I can't play with him properly at the moment! I didn't give birth until 41 weeks + 1 with my first, so I am not very hopeful that this baby will come anytime soon. I just feel like I can't take anymore 😫🤣
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Oh same here :( 38+2 today with 2.5 years old, feeling so shitty I can’t do nothing with her play etc, and just overall so so tired and exhausted and can’t wait for baby to be out already so I can go back to myself 😮‍💨🥴🥲

Same, I’m 38+4 with a 2.5 year old and the struggle is real. I feel so guilty that I don’t take him anywhere except to the childminders and to Tescos in the car to pick up the click and collect. Feel like I’m ruining his little life.

@Dana me too, a lot of people say being pregnant with a toddler is the hardest part, so hopefully we will be feeling ourselves soon! Good luck x

@Gemma I'm barely taking my son anywhere either. I'm sure in a couple of months time we will be in a good little routine and back to having fun again! It is just really hard at the moment. Good luck with everything xx

I have an 18 month old and I'm 36 weeks. I am just exhausted, like I am at the limit ATM and I'm not even 38 weeks like you. You got this. The three weeks will fly if you are a little late. Your first isn't judging you and doesn't think you aren't giving him/her attention - I'm being a hypocrite because I get so emotional about it as well. I'm so worried he will be sad/mad at me when I bring the second one home as I don't want him thinking I love him any less

@Lorena Lancefield it's so hard not to feel guilty isn't it! But you are right they aren't going to be judging us. Plus they will be getting a sibling to play with and have loads of fun with eventually! Good luck with everything, only a few weeks to get through now x

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