
So I was supposed to get my tubes tied during my c section but apparently it wasn’t in my chart my doctor said wait 6 weeks my question is how will they go by doing the tube tied during that time will they have to cut back on my incision to do so or ?? I’m confused because that’s an whole another recovery I gotta go through
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It's a whole separate procedure. They make a tiny cut in your belly and do it that way. Personally though my recovery was ROUGH. ESPECIALLY the first 2 days 🥴 I would opt to have the tubes completely removed if that's a possibility for you. Because I got pregnant 2 months after getting mine tied/clamped 😂 Soooo just know that the success rate is NOT 100% all the time.

@Maegan I had a c section tho so will they still do the belly button & I might just opt out lmao

Yes it's still near the belly button. I had 4 c sections 😅

@Maegan so after you healed they ain’t cut on your incision for the tubes to be tied & lord

Nope totally separate incision. The one for tubes is like a TINY cut but NOT on the original incision line

@Maegan was that a painful rough recovery

@Maegan because I’m in my recovery process & its no fun at all my very first c section

The first two days after I got my tubes out were rough but it does get better! 😊 and it's honestly made my periods SO much better so that alone makes it worth it

@Maegan okay thank you I just needed to know lol

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