How many of us used the epidural?

Did any of you know the epidural contains fentanyl? I didn't know that going into labor. I was shocked and was actually wondering why I felt high from the epidural. Until I looked over and seen the words "fentanyl" on the epidural when it was being replaced. That caused mine and my son's heart rates to drop drastically. My experience with it was almost death. But I would/am doing it again because I can't handle pain. I was just curious if anyone else knew about our epidurals containing fentanyl.
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I was shocked too but I did find out before hand. The nurse at my OB told me about a week before I went into labor and my husband and I were second guessing it but I did end up getting it and would do it again 😅 definitely felt that high feeling though and also withdrawal

@Candice I'm not sure if I had withdrawals but I passed out from a very near overdose and blood loss. I was out for a whole 36 hours. Like I remember holding my baby, handing him off, passing out, and then waking up 36 hours later at discharge. It was wild. Then on the way home immediately telling my fiance I wanted another baby 😂

@Alexis oh wow passing out is scary! I just had really bad shakes and numb legs for almost 24 hours. But I would easily do it again and the epidural is a must 😂

Wow that's horrible. No I did not know about that. I went without the epidural but I'm so sorry to hear all of these negative experiences with it 😔

@Hannah ive always had weird reactions to "anesthesia" so I wasnt surprised with the epidural. It also made me a bit aggressive but that couldve been the labor pains too. I had some wild dreams though and cussed everyone like a sailor. But overall I'd give it a 7.5/10. Hopefully this go around in March will be better

@Alexis best of luck to you! If you want to try without the epidural, let me know! I'm a prenatal specialist and I have lots of tips for unmedicated birthing!

I found out after I gave birth when I was overlooking labor & delivery pictures and discharge papers, etc. and when everyone kept saying you were high as shit.

Girl we had the same birth story.y baby turned so they gave me a second dose to help and they lost my heart rate and my baby’s started going down fast. My sons dad told me when they injected it my face got so light and my lips started to lose color and he was scared. I knew it contained a little bit but I don’t know how much of the medicine is actually fentanyl. But when I woke back up I was confused and crying and the nurse told me they gave me to much.

@Ana oof. I had 6 doses of it 😭😭

@Hannah I waved at you to connect us. Thibking about trying unmedicated this go around depending on pain. I didnt feel anything until 5-6 cm

I knew about it and still got it twice. No side effects or withdrawal

I learned that before I made my choice to go with an all natural medication free birth. There is a list of potentially addictive chemicals used in epidurals including but not limited to, stadol, morphine, fentanyl, and sufentanil.

Happy to offer advice if you choose to go to with a non medicated birth!

@Alexis that’s crazy they added more to my bag I kept pressing the button and it did nothing

@Nichole can you send me tips. I wanna try to go natural next time if I can

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@Ana dang. See I delivered my first boy and plan to deliver my second son at a Catholic based hospital (nothing about religion tbh it's just cleaner and my ob works there) but the fact they dont tell you what they're putting into your body is wild. So glad I did get it though cause I had an emergency episiotomy and I think that wouldve hurt like hell without anesthesia

@Alexis I had a c section at the end of everything was in labor for 48 hrs but I seen u can try to have a baby naturally if u fully heal (4-5 years)

@Ana yes. Its called VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean. A lot of women accomplished that in this group!

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