Potty training regression

My little girl was daytime potty trained in November she did really well was dry in the day within 2 weeks she was telling us when she needed a wee even taking herself to the potty and when she woke up in morning nappies were dry and she was asking for a wee as soon as she woke. However over the past 2 weeks (since shes been ill which is understandable when ill) she has been having at least 1 accident a day where she'll just be playing or sat at the table and wet herself. Weve tried askijf every 30 minutes ifnshe needs a wee but she says no or she'll tell us she needs a wee and then when we take her to toilet say no and refuse if we try put her on toilet she kicks ans screams then will wet herself 2 minutes later..this morning when she woke up i said okay before we go downstairs you need to try and do a wee and she had a tantrum saying she didnt need one but her happy was dry and she waals doing her wee dance..i ended up holding her on the potty after she said she would like to go on potty but again said no when i tried sitting her on it she did do a wee but was screaming at me to let her go..i felt terrible but i read potty regression usually starts a few month after training not weeks..please advice would be much appreciated x
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That happened to us too and we had to restart 6 months later.

@Angela so did you put your little one back in nappies?

I wouldn’t hold her on the potty. She’ll end up being scared of the potty and you’ll completely lose the progress you have done. Is she 100% ready? Because to me it sounds like she isn’t ready.

@Emily she wa dry in the day for over a month was telling us when she needed to go to the potty/toilet even takin herself o the potty so yes id say she was ready

This is a difficult one. I would suggest positive encouragement. Something like a potty poster, and if she does, she gets a sticker to put on, and everyone cheers. 🤔 sometimes, it may help to get them back on track. Or to make it a game of some sort, or maybe she has a favouritepair of underwear that she could use if she goes potty, etc.... Fundamentally, do not force her as it will only make her refusal worse

@Claire my point still stands, don’t force her.

@Claire yeah she was back in pullups.

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