"obsessed with sex"

So I've heard this is normal for 2 y/os, but just wanting to double check. My daughter gets curious about what in between people's legs, once she gets comfy with them, looks in that area for her dolls (who have nothing, lol) and has tried to stick toys in herself. My mom said, "she's obsessed with sex" but I know that's not what it is st that age. They're just curious and doing what feels good. That's what I've heard. I'm not here to shame her, just wanna make sure she's ok.
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Your 2yo is perfectly normal and your mother should be made aware that this is developmentally normal behavior. It's weird to call a 2yo obsessed with sex. They have no concept of what sex is. They don't see their genitalia as any different from their chest/elbow/nose/knee. It's just a body part. They touch the rest of their body, so naturally they want to explore that too. They don't understand sexuality or sexual gratification. I would definitely make sure your mom knows not to make sexualizing comments about your daughter. That could have a negative impact on her as she develops understanding. All little kids go through this stage

@Kame wow, that is really good advice. Very well said!

My son is 15m and I had no clue that could be a phase coming up that kids go through 😅

@Ashley It can be very silly and a bit awkward! My personal parameters have always been to prohibit touch during diaper changes but allow/ignore it during bath times. The initial phase doesn't last forever, but they do intermittently redevelop interest. And I make sure my oldest knows that he needs to be clean and somewhere private, and to always wash his hands if he touches anything in the diaper zone. It's just part of mom life. 😅

I agree. And that is good advice, thank you. And good to let other Mama's/parents know. I'm very pro sex positive, and self-love positive, so yeah, keep it clean and private but never like u shouldn't touch ur own body. Good to know, everything is ok, though.

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