Cerclage/ cervical stitch when does it happen

Does anyone have any advice on the cerclage /cervical stitch process ie. pain and process. I’ve got a few weeks untill I speak to recurrent miscarriage clinic and my fertility team. So really want to be prepared with questions as google is a minefield on what to check and ask so would be grateful for any advice x
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My cervix length/funnelling was discovered at my 20 week scan, and the next day I was getting the stitch in. It was a pretty easy procedure imo. Was given a spinal and catheterised, stitch was placed and it took maybe an hour in total in theatre and I was in for 2 nights following this. Was sent home with a progesterone pessary which I had to do 3x a day and I was told I needed to be on bed rest (but this varies from person to person and dr to dr). Had some mild cramping and bleeding for a few days after but all was okay, I just went slightly insane being on bed rest for as long as I was! Had regular scans throughout my pregnancy and then at 35 weeks (this has now been confirmed that it was too early) it was removed, waters went within an hour and a day later my little miracle arrived. Removal was again really easy, I was dreading it but it was over super quick! Feel free to pm me if you have any more questions x

My cervix was measured at 14 weeks due to a previous lletz treatment and it was 21mm at one measure and 24mm at another so under the 25mm threshold therefore I had the stitch put in at 16 weeks. The procedure itself was quick, the main part of it is the waiting around and afterwards they will want you to pass urine before going home. (No hospital stay for me) Had my second stitch for my current pregnancy at 16 weeks, the procedure was very quick, i didn’t have a catheter this time which made it a lot quicker to be discharged, I had quite abit of cramping after like bad period pain, stayed in bed the next day took it easy and was back to doing usual stuff pretty quickly. I have a toddler now though so try not to lift her. Exercise wise I only walk. On progesterone x2 a day until 28 weeks now I’m on 1 a day. Should also say when they removed stitch first time around baby came 2 weeks later at 39 weeks.

@Nadia I’m told I’m likely to have a stitch due to the precise lletz, iv had three done in total. Have they advised you about birth, if you can still have a natural with less cervix? And was you awake for the procedure or do they offer to put you under? I’m just expecting I’ll be awake and given pain killer or numbing injection like when I had my first two lletz and it’s gunna be so painful 🫣🫣

@Nadia @Chloe- thanks ladies for the positive stories I’m just trying to prepare myself for my follow up appointments following a late miscarriage. Just wondering for either of you did they previously know you had weakness already? Did they give you a reason they prescribed progestorone so again I know what to ask for Who measured it was it midwifery or a gynaecology team? Did they give you any nhs literature as I can’t find much nhs literature on the procedure. Bed rest I read about that and gosh thought if it has to be it has to be can’t do anything about it.

@Jasmine yes I still went for natural with my first and ended up being fully dilated but had an emergency c section nothing to do with the cervix, it was about her positioning. I’m due my second and have decided to try VBAC so no constraints as far as I am aware around having natural. Ah I mean the lletz procedure for me was painful and the injection internally up there, this is a spinal, not too painful. I actually found the numbing injection more painful than the actual spinal as you are numb (and I’m a wuss with needles)

@Gertrude have they measured your cervix yet? I think that’s the first step to see what it’s measuring etc. it was just because I had the lletz treatment that I was referred for a scan (the sonographer will do this or a consultant) other than that I had no idea it was short. To be honest, not much literature at all - back when I had this in 2020 I wasn’t on peanut and it was so scary I reached out to Tommy’s with questions as I couldn’t get much elsewhere. Re progesterone, I was just advised the hormone helps prevent pre term delivery. I’ve seen lots of story’s on here where people have just had the progesterone, think it will depend on the length, your history etc. good luck! X

Hi all,did any one experienced UTI after the cervical stitch because I had my stitch at 14 weeks since then till today I had three sets of antibiotics.presently I am on 20weeks.Very scared and anxious obout the recurrent UTI.

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