Positive or not ?

Hi just wanted other’s opinions 😩 had a miscarriage in April 2023 so really nervous 😬
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100% positive love x

@Kiki I’m thinking it is just don’t want to get my hopes up too soon xxx

That’s positive, congratulations mama 💛

@Jessica thank you X

Definitely positive 😁

Congratulations 🤍

Just looks pretty positive 😊 congratulations

@Brianna sorry to hear ❤️ and thank you xxx

Thats positive 😊 I miscarried in May 2023 got pregnant with our rainbow 5 months later in September/October now 19 weeks 2 days

@Katie aww yay! Congrats 💛

Congratulations 🎊

Yes x

Congrats Katie! I miscarried 12/2023 and found out I’m pregnant on Valentine’s Day…I know how you feel…scared to get too excited. Just taking it a day at time 😊❤️

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