He’s here!

Little man FRAZER JAMES FAIRLEY made his arrival on the morning of the 11th at 0058! Had a sweep on Tuesday no luck and then had the balloon in on the 9th at 1430 then went for the drip on the 10th at 1025am 🫠 Safe to say I cried and begged them for a c section and then begged for the epidural even said I’d go find the man himself as the midwife wasn’t leaving the room 🤣🤣 Was a hell of an experience and been left with a few stitches but a beautiful blessing at the end of it! 🤍
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Congrats 🥳 x

Congratulations 🎉

Congrats! :) he’s beautiful! Have you been given the epidural at the end? x

@Magdalena yes after 40 mins 🤣 I could of kissed the guy 🤣

Congratulations 🎊

Congrats 🥰 had my lg 10 days ago also had the drip wow I feel you're pain it's awful isn't it. By the time I got the epidural in it was too late & she was out 🤣🤣🙈


@Sammi 💖 wow! I never thought about the epidural until those contractions really hit! Glad your both okay


Congrats! Locely name. This is my fear is that it'll be too late to get an epidural! Am I better off asking for one straight away?!

@Cat if that’s your fear 1000% talk to your midwife! My midwife said the time I got too most women would have had the epidural and I was only 3cm!

As in most women would have had it before they got to 3cm and you lasted longer?Don't want to try and be strong and then realise how awful they are by which point it is too late!

@Cat when they checked my contractions I said “I’m in agony even with the gas and air I think I must be close” 🤣 and when they did the cervix check I was only a 3. They both said with the rate of my contractions a lot of people would have already been on the epidural. The guy also came really quickly once they went and got him! X

@Georgia same here I said to the midwifes I don't want no drugs other then gas & air. Jesus christ tho that drip is no fun 😅😅

@Sammi 💖 honestly I could have kissed the guy who done mine 🤣 those contractions are no joke! My partner says I was like the exorcist before it 🤣🤣🤣

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