Don’t tell anyone what you’re going to name them and then name YOUR baby the name you and your SO like. When people ask just say “we haven’t decided yet”. I’m due on Monday and I still tell people we haven’t decided on a name 😅 my mom said she didn’t like my first borns name and my MIL said the name I like for this baby is awful so I know how it can be lol oh well, at least it’s even now
I'm super curious what the name is now
People are funny about mine and it’s not even slightly unusual lol. I’ve had “that’s a Jewish name” and “didn’t expect that” and “oh right” lol. It’s like they expect you to change it just cos they don’t like it. I just say well yeah we like it and it’s the only one we like so 🤷🏻♀️
Yeah what’s the name? Xx
I didn’t tell anyone for a reason. Even when my daughter was born my mum decided it was a mouthful and started calling her Charlie (Charlotte). Thankfully she gave up on that.
My mum made a comment on my name but once she arrived, everyone fell in love and it was never commented on again. Now everyone loves it and says it’s just her xx
@Raqi Emrys
@Aleesha Emrys!
That’s a beautiful name. Unique. Don’t let anyone tell you differently x I get judged for the names i like but that’s a them problem not mine haha
I have a friend whose naming her daughter something similar to that name x
That’s why we don’t share until baby is born. I didn’t want to risk people saying they hated the name
I’m going through the same most of my family doesn’t like the name and they’re so vocal about it 😡 but I’m sticking to it regardless 😀
We decided to not to tell anyone the name until baby is born. Mostly because my boyfriends mom is so judgy and it royally pissed me off when I told her what my favorite boy name was and her response was "if that's the name you pick I won't be babysitting". In a way I can see why she doesn't like it but at the same time it's not her kid and I don't think she should get any opinions in naming our child. My favorite boy name has always been Robbie. And if any of my other 3 kids would have been a boy I would have already used it. But her ex husband (my boyfriends dad who my boyfriend doesn't really even talk to) is named Robert. So my boyfriend said no because of his lack of relationship with his dad but I was pissed at his mom's response to it
@Ashley Same here, my boyfriend’s mom doesn’t even know I’m pregnant yet, just my family. I’m scared to tell her because of how she will react, and then when she finds out the name she’ll hate it and make sure she says it to me 🥲
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Emrys is a beautiful name! if you like it, use it ❤️ they’ll have no choice but to suck it up once the baby is here and they will probably grow to like the name because it will be attached to your child! we aren’t telling ANYONE our baby names for this reason (although my mum managed to guess our favourite boys name in some weird psychic way 😂)
@Bianca with reactions like that I was actually expecting an obviously ugly name, but thats such a cute name. Do you and do it confidently.
i didnt care what anyone thought! My mom didnt like the name "Robyn" and i still named her Robyn and she calls her Robyn lol
It’s YOUR baby and YOUR choice on name. If they don’t like the name, tough. As long as you do, that’s all that matters. Too many people feel they have a right to comment on your baby… but at the end of the day it only matter what you think/feel 💞
My little boy is called Théoden, so many people hate it, say it’s horrible, have a disgusted/confused look on their faces whenever I tell them. I couldn’t give a shit. My baby. My rules.👍🏻
We have quite a different name for baby. It was received with mixed reactions at first but the more people started addressing her by the name rather than baby or bump it eventually got so normalised & people grew used to it. It’s not their baby at the end of the day & it’s a name we loved from the off, we know it’s quite different but that’s exactly why we love it. Besides a baby is more than just a name, some people act like it’s a crime against humanity sometimes🙄😂
What?! I like that name, wish I thought of Emrys. I can’t believe people would say a name is hideous or disgusting, it’s just a name. Plus it’s like “ cool so you wouldn’t name your kid that, funny thing is, it’s my kid. “ I can think of so many cute nicknames. ❤️
I wouldn’t be nice about it because they were being nasty . Me personally I’d tell them to get bent . Family members hated I was giving my son a double middle name and I literally said get bent not your kid .
@Heather is your name Shiloh?😃🥰
I agree with everyone else! It's your baby and you are doing the naming. We didn't tell anyone until my husband and I had fully decided on the name. No opinions welcome. (As long as we're not making our daughter something like Ima Pigg) However, I did do a few polls on Peanut Baby Names group and that was helpful in narrowing down the choices and getting wider perspectives on our top choices. It helped in picking middle names to go with the first name and even just getting confirmation that people like the names we were choosing. I would recommend doing a poll if you're curious! I also wondered how people would pronounce certain names if they didn't hear it first so I asked a few co-workers to read names that were written down. That helped me see that the names weren't hard to pronounce. As for particular peoples opinions, I wouldn't worry about it because some people have completely different taste. If your mom or grandma suggested names for your child you might make a disgusted face too! Haha!
Hopefully this will take you to the Baby Names group:
We've decided not to tell anyone any names and then once the baby has been named no one will say they don't like it as its too late to put us off it. Everyone's very annoyed we won't share our name ideas 😂 but really didn't want anyone putting us off them!
@Jasmine me, as someone who LOVES unique names: Wtf?? That’s a LOVELY name!! It sounds so nice when you say it, too. Bet your lil boy is as cute as his name, maybe even cuter.
@Jasmine ohhhh fellow LOTR lover, I see you! You’re welcome btw lol. What a cuuuutie 😍! Look at that adorable smile 🥺. He’s so precious.
People will share their opinions. Either don’t tell anyone or try not to let it bother you. It’s ok for someone to not like the name. Usually they change their minds once they meet and fall in love with the baby.
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Everyone else will have to deal if you love it keep it My daughter is named after my mom and sister Thankfully hubby understands and so do his parents If his parents didn’t agree - they easily can stay away
I didn't tell anyone until he had arrived and we'd named him. Harder for people to share their opinions then
Ignore them! Or just say I wasnt asking for your opinion
Don’t tell people the name!!!! They can’t judge the name if they don’t know it!!! Then after the baby is born oh well too bad it’s already the baby’s name. We didn’t tell ANYONE our first ones name because we knew people would hate on it🤣
My nieces name is nova and I think it's terrible but I named my daughter Molly and my sister could think it's terrible.. we all have opinions. I'd try not to let it get to you. But Emrys is pretty and quite unique. Just an opinion lol :)
@Julie no haha
I wouldn't tell anyone before baby is here. Once they're here they're less likely to be nasty