Gender reveal !!

Hello girls I am pregnant with my 3rd baby i have two boys, I really want a baby girl but I have a little feeling I’m having another boy. And my other two boys I had a gender reveal. I will get my results to find out the gender probably on Thursday. I really but like really want to know what I’m having I’m so anxious to know. Here’s the question I’m debating to have a gender reveal but I wasn’t planning anything big only my parents and my husbands parents but I kinda don’t want to do anything because I feel so tired I don’t have any energy and I just want to know asap. What would you do ? Should I just open the envelope with my husband or have a little gender reveal ? Helpppp
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i think y’all should have an intimate gender reveal… maybe something cute and small you and your husband could do that day together?

Have a little gender reveal. Ask for help with putting together. Your husband, parents and in-laws can all pitch in. You’ll be happy you did something in the future.

Little suggestion! You could do a meal and then do cupcakes for after dinner a little sweet treat and you all could have one. Could be a good way to get the boys included and feel like they are a big part in it. Ether way as long as you are comfortable and happy that’s all that matters. I also have three boys and praying we somehow have a miracle and fall pregnant with a baby girl🤣 Sending lots of luck and happiness🩷💙

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