
Hi ladies! I was wondering if anyone felt kicks in their hooha area? 😅 I swear it feels like I’m getting kicked inside and it’s not the abdominal area. Definitely interesting feeling but wanted to see if I wasn’t alone haha
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All the time! 😹😹😹😹

Yes!! I'm always concerned his foot is going to come out of me 😂

she had a period of time where she just loved to kick my insides, I swear she somehow hit my times 😂


My butt****, my cervix, my back.. you name it. No respect for his mom ! 😩

All the time


@Taylor saaaame 😂

In the same boat. He scared me yesterday when he did that. Not cool dude!!

Baby is head down so I get knocked allll the time 😂 my bladder, too lol


Yuuup those are the most uncomfortable 😀

I swear that's where my boy kicks the most!

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