Looking for a mom friend

Hey ladies I'm Katie. I'm 27, a first time mom of my 4 month old son and moved to Texas from Illinois when I was 7 month pregnant. I've always had a hard time making new friends and being a full time mom and working full time makes it even harder. The only person I have to really talk to when I'm struggling is my husband who probably thinks I sound like I broken record or calling my mom which isn't the same as being in person with her which has been hard on both of us but we moved here for a better life. My husband has family and his parents here and they are great but there are some things I know I can't open up to them about. So I feel pretty alone and trapped because I never leave the house except for work and grocery shopping. I'd really love to meet new people and make mom friends I just have anxiety when it comes to leaving my house but we could meet for coffee or go for a walk.
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We're not in the same state but we can be friends if you'd like and you're welcome to message me whenever about anything and everything.

Hello name twin. I'm in the uk but would be happy to be friends and chat whenever. Ive always wanted a pen pal🤣

Hey Katie! I live in magnolia Texas too! My son is going to be a month old tomorrow. Maybe we could connect. I sent you a message😊

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