Sick of getting no sleep

Our little one goes down at about half 9, sleeps soundly until about 2am then the active sleep starts. She wakes me up and I can't go back to sleep, the only thing I can do is put ear plugs in and even that doesn't work great. I still hear her but I don't hear little movements. I'm tempted to put her in her own room but it wasn't our plan until she's 6 months, she's only 4 1/2 months.
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I am the the same with my little one. Sleep fine until around 2/3am and then after that it's soooo disrupted

I either lie there for the next 4 hours putting a dummy back in every 15 minutes or I just go downstairs and watch tele while I've got the baby monitor on. I'm shattered

Same! I can’t sleep as my boy is such a noisy sleeper n have to give him his dummy regularly in the night, I can’t wait till he’s in his own room as hoping I’ll sleep better x

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