I completely understand how you feel. I feel like my life is so chaotic with 2 kids. I agree with comment above. It will help if your partner is supportive. My husband always asks me if I need time to myself to let him know. He’ll take the kids to visit Grandma or just stay home to watch them while I go and do my nails & lashes. Or if I’m so exhausted I’ll tell him im going to nap and he usually watches both while I nap. I saw someone say that it gets easier if you put both kids on the same sleep schedule and so far they only have the same nap schedule. Since my toddler only takes 1 nap, I put my 3m old to nap as well around the same time. I usually have 30mins-1hr of peace and quite a day.
Girl if you don’t have support it’s not easy I have 3 we messed ourselves up by having more than US 1 person, Person to person ratio is unbalanced and it’s not fair
@✨🌱Essence🌱✨ this couldn’t be more accurate. The jump from 2 to 3 has been rough.
@Savannah Rae Gurl I can relate it’s not easy but I tried to start telling myself I’m happy my kids got me instead lol
If you have a very supportive and understanding partner yes it does get better and I find it much less overwhelming when I have that full support from him, sometimes on the weekends he’ll ring up his other Dad friends and organise a day out and he just takes toddler out all day for me to stay home and just sleep or bond w baby. It’s hard, but I found as baby got to about 3m and I was out of 4th trimester, I could slowly take up my social life again. You are right smack bang in the bubble right now, still adjusting to life w 2 kids. Ask for help when you need it xx and your breaks when you need it. Hopefully he’s supportive and allows you those breaks