Rock him for an hour. It will become easier and easier plus you can't regret the time spent snuggling!
I incorporated other nighttime routines that we do every single night. They are silly but we brush teeth, kiss the photo of us as a family, we kiss some of her stuffed animals, we read a book and then we sing a few songs and I feel like that really helped her to know her new routine without a bottle. Idk if that helps any.
@Amy I can’t physically hold him that long. He won’t let me rock him in a chair.
@Janelle yeah maybe I will try and incorporate some other things. Sounds like you guys have a really cute bedtime routine.
I will say, we stopped at one and that was super helpful. Weaning him off the bottle at one made it a lot less painful. First you don't have to not give him something to drink. Switch it to a straw cup of soft silicone spout cup. Then when he's used to that switch to water instead of milk.