C section tomorrow

I have my first planned c section tomorrow 😬 it’s 6 am the day before and I’m already panicking 😂 Is there anything I can do to calm my nerves today ? And keep myself relaxed so I’m not a nervous wreck 😰 Thank you
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Everything will be ok, promise 😊

Go out today. Go do something with your toddler, like a mummy and daughter lunch date. Have a bit of a pamper session tonight and have a nice dinner. Today is about you, tomorrow is about baby. Also, a valentines baby!! 😍

I’m having mine tomorrow 7am 🩷 I’m trying to not think about it. Distract myself. I’m going for coffee tomorrow keeping me busy all day.

Mine went as a dream , you be fine don’t panic just relax and listen for that gorgeous baby screaming on their birthday 🎂 😌😊 good look your do fabulous MAMA xxx

you get to meet your baby soon! that’s so exciting! 🥳

Have a spa day. Get yourself pampered and ready to welcome your baby ❤️😍

My c section was not planned but went so well I was mobile the same day. I don’t even feel like I’ve had one. You will be fine honestly.

I was exactly the same and looking back I wish I could tell myself it would be absolutely fine! The actual process is genuinely so quick it’s a massive blur. Try to bring things to keep you occupied if you’re waiting because we had to wait until 3pm and I was just in a bed waiting and scaring myself about nothing. From the moment you go up, they’re so fast with everything and so friendly and amazing at what they do - it’s so reassuring. From the minute you’re numbed and they put the little curtain up, you’ve got about 5 minutes until your baby is in your arms and from that moment, you literally couldn’t care less about what they’re doing. And this is coming from someone who’s absolutely terrified of needles and blood 😂 Try to keep busy leading up to it to prevent overthinking but you’ll be AMAZING! These people do like 4/5 of these a day, so remember you’re in safe hands and tell them anything you’re concerned about and they can put your mind at ease :) You’ll be brilliant! X

Spend the day doing something you love, have a nice long bath and an everything shave (if you haven't already) cuz it'll be a while before you can have a bath again, order a nice takeaway tonight and watch one of your favourite films and get plenty plenty plenty of rest because it's all go from the minute you will wake up tomorrow. You'll be fine, good luck ❤️

Lol no ma’am your nerves are going to be all over. YOURE ABOUT TO BRING YOUR BABY INTO THIS WORLD . Embrass it girl and congratulations

Congratulations mama 🌟 try and do some positive visualising of holding your baby, your first cuppa, breathing in your baby’s smell and all good things to come after! Wishing you all the best and you’ve got this! You can do hard things ✨🌙🙌🏻💪🏻

I listened to positive C-section stories on “the birth hour” podcast. It made me feel very prepared and my C-section went down exactly like in those stories. Try to think about how cool it will be to have surgery and be awake! Outside of C-sections, that doesn’t ever really happen. I found it to be a very interesting and wild experience when I thought of it that way! I was definitely nervous as I was getting wheeled into the OR but once I was settled on the table it went away and I just got to experience the totally strange and awesome birth of my son!

My planned c-section was a DREAM and I only lost 250ml of blood. Friend of mine 2w overdue, failed induction, refused a c-section and pushed a very distressed 10lbs baby out in the end losing 2lt of blood and having to stay in hospital for days. 😅 You’re going to be absolutely fine - it’s daunting but honestly not as bad as people make it sound. xx

My planned c section day was the best day of my whole life ♥️ I hope it goes really smoothly for you and that you have a similar experience meeting your bubba 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

I was a nervous wreck leading up to mine and even in the operating room. My anesthetist even told me to chill out while she was putting in my spinal. However most of my nerves were because bub had a lung malformation and we didn’t know what was going to happen and we were told that she was most likely going to need extensive respiratory support and possibly even emergency surgery, so we didn’t think we’d be able to see her straight away. But try to relax and if possible set an alarm for like 11:30/12 to have a snack incase you get pushed back to a little later in the day otherwise you’ll be starving- I didn’t go in until 1:45pm xx

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Good luck! So exciting xx

Happy meet your baby day

I feel you on this. I was feeling nauseous and anxious the days leading up to mine. However, I arrived at the ward for pre-op checks etc and all my anxiety lifted once I’d spoken to the Surgeon and was heading to theatre. I assume it was the maternal hormones kicking in as all I could think about was my baby and his safe arrival. My partner was very nervous and looked ill throughout theatre as he took over the worrying about me part 🙈 Honestly though, it’s a surreal experience, but absolutely worth it and they talk you through everything and help keep you calm. Let them know during the procedure if you have any concerns or questions, the team will be happy to help!

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