Baby Toothpaste Recommendations

Heyy mamas! First time mum here and looking for a good toothpaste to give my 6 month old. Any recommendations? <3
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Brush-baby, fluoride free

Jack and Jill toothpaste

My friend, who’s a dental nurse, said to just use adult toothpaste so both my children have always used that

Margarita commented Jack and Jill tooth paste. Taste great , it’s Fluoride free and comes in so many flavours.

It’s worth checking with your HV as not all areas have fluoride in the water. I live in Salford and been told by mine to use normal adult tooth paste due to there being no fluoride in the water.

New guidelines say regular toothpaste is perfectly fine and usually recommend. A dot the size of a grain of rice for any toothpaste containing fluoride is the correct amount

I’ve heard adult toothpaste is best as they need fluoride and a lot of baby ones are fluoride free!

Depends on your stance on fluoride - if you want fluoride free, just go with adult one that contains hydroxyapatite (the actual mineral that our teeth have /loose, fluoride is a replacement and dangerous if swallowed, which kids do). We're not doing any toothpaste until she gets in the habit as she just chews on the toothbrush about 10s after I kind of brush her teeth.

we use this (realizing it’s an u.s. link) but honestly the bubble gum travel sized one from the dentist would have been fine

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