Epidural or no?

I was wondering if y’all decided if you were gonna get a epidural or not and what your reasoning was I was a straight no, since my first baby but I had to get a cerclage done at 14 weeks and they had to give me a epidural even more so I was a no after that because I remember not being able to move or walk or anything without help, once the epidural wore off I remember this pain in my legs so bad until about two hours after, and when they started the epidural I felt this weird zap, almost like electrical sparks in my back and I couldn’t stop shaking Overall it was not a good experience for me, but I had a dream about giving birth to my baby the other night, and I remembered after my first, how I couldn’t pass the placenta, my baby was extremely premature, he was 18 weeks to the day, out of the contractions, and pushing, the most painful part was trying to pass the placenta but I couldn’t so I had to have a dnc The thought of having to go through that process again, is so scary I’m considering a epidural but I’m unsure
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Yes, I'm getting that epidural the moment I step into that hospital. I'm not pushing this big head child out without medication. Ain't no way. Boy got his daddy's head and I'm weak just thinking about it. I have been looking at the different types. There is one that you have freedom of movement with, I forgot the name, but I'm thinking of that. Along with the epidural I'm going to start drinking okra water and other stuff my African friend suggested because they be popping out babies and then running the town like nothing happened. It'll be needed bc I think the epidural that allows walking and stuff is lower dosage (if I was reading correctly)

I get bad, bad panic attacks in medical settings and when in pain, especially when pain management fails. My only hope is a very good epidural, or for the doctors to let me have a scheduled csection.

I've never been through labor before so I'm going into with an open mind. I'll see how far I can get and if I can do it without an epidural, then great but if I need it then I will get it.

@Emily same!!!

I want to wait longer this time before getting it but I do know I’m going to end up wanting it. My problems came more with the episiotomy in terms of being unable to get up than with waiting for the epidural to wear off.

I’m not doing an epidural because homebirth, but ALSO because I’ve had too many people tell me they still have lower back pain at the spot where the epidural was put in.

I’m 1000000% on the epidural train. It’s my first birth but even though I do well with pain I don’t want to feel anything lmao.

Yes I’m definitely getting the epidural. I got it with my other two so this one will be no different

Second timer, getting that epidural for sure. I don’t have any pain where I got it or long term effects. Made birth weirdly…. Kind of easy? Haha I found the recovery from birth 10x worse than birth itself after that epidural. Pushing was nothing and I tried to go as far as I could without- so incredibly painful. I actually could sleep and relax once I had it as i waited for her to arrive.

Getting an epidural for sure and specifically because all the women in my family and my husbands have said “don’t be a martyr” lmao

Yes because why be in pain. No one will remember what we went through but us so I got nothing to prove.

Am definitely getting an epidural

@Irene hahahahw YES the nurses at the hospital were like don’t be a hero, people wish they got it when it’s too late. I will always remember that “don’t be a hero” 😂

@Taylor 😂 yes! Don’t be a hero is the other one I get!

I am expecting my 3rd child.. and have never had an epidural. I don't plan to.with this one either. My first one I was given pitocin, which made my contractions stronger and helped me dilate, but I was able to use a birthing ball and delivered successfully without pain meds. My second was without the need for pitocin, but I had back labor pains. I used the birthing ball a little, the nurse, my hubby, and son applied counterpressure to my hips during contractions while I was standing, and I got through that. I prefer not to because of those close to me that have and are still dealing with side effects. I alsonwould rather manage the pain than the needle in my back. You do what you feel works best for you and your pain tolerance If you are leery of the epidural, there are other pain management options available also ❤️

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I'm still not sure how much of an option I'm really gonna have about not getting anything. I have MCDA twins and they don't want me past 37wks and more than likely before then...So if I don't go into labor on my own AND at least baby A be in position I'm likely gonna have to have a C section which means spinal or epidural 😔 and even if I'm lucky and can go vaginally, I'll likely opt for epidural just in case something goes wrong and emergency section is needed... Mixed feelings about my epidural the first time. Good and a little less good but I didn't have a horrible experience or lasting side effects! PROS: pain relief, could talk and joke even during labor, my husband could relax a bit (they don't like seeing us in pain and can't do anything) CONS: catheter, trying to pee later (weird and couldn't fully empty bladder for like a week), hated not feeling my legs, probably pushed too hard and ended up tearing a bit (less natural pushing). Different for everyone though! Hope that helps.

I didn’t have any negative side effects from the epidural. It was a God send. The pain for me was unimaginable before I got it.

I am not getting one . I’ve watched to many epidural videos and it freaks me out also all my friends that have had one complain of back pain . I didn’t get one with my first child either

I’ll be getting the epidural! This is my first pregnancy and I am absolutely terrified of the birthing process. Happy to accept any help/meds they can offer 🙏

I’d say see how it goes, but leave it on the table if you need it. I tried to go into my first birth not wanting an epidural but ok with it if I needed it. Some people have fast and smooth births and don’t need it. My cousin had her two kids in 10 hours or less without an epidural. (The second one almost came out in the hallway on her way into the hospital!) Me on the other hand had a 36 hour birth, and think that if I hadn’t had an epidural at like hour 26, I would have been too exhausted to push my baby out in the end. I have no memory of the epidurals themselves being painful (compared to the labor pains I was already experiencing, it was nothing). And yes, I said epidurals plural because the first one didn’t work, and they had to re-do it 😬. But once it finally worked, it was bliss. I was joking around and got to sleep for 6 ish beautiful hours.

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