Baby positioning

I’m 29.5 weeks pregnant, it feels like baby is under my ribs 🥴 anyone know what position they could be in?
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I’m having horrendous pain in what I thought was my ribs but when my doctor examined me it’s actually my diaphragm/upper abdomen, baby has been in both breach and head down positions so it could be either! I’m 32 weeks and had it for 3-4 weeks now 😭 x

Could be either breech or head down! If you’re feeling kick movements under the ribs then most likely head down, but if it’s more pressure and feels solid high up then most likely breech x

Thanks ladies! I had to have bloods taken today quickly so I asked the midwife to check the positioning. He’s currently head down and it was a bum I could feel in my ribs 🤣

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