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Any advice?! I don’t want to loose weight, I just need to eat healthy & well as my diet is shocking 😳 Any apps or plans I can use please?
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I use Yuka... It’s amazing!

The Body Coach does a good variety of recipes depending if there is anything specific you wanna achieve. Quick and easy as well so ideal for new mums. All his books are available on Amazon.

It's not for everyone and it's quite expensive but my mum went on lighterlife and lost 6 stone in 5 months

@Gemma how?

Lighterlife, it's a meal replacement diet. Very extreme though, it's like 600 cal a day. I've tried it but not been able to stick to it more than a week

@Gemma oh wow yeah I wouldn’t be able to lol

I go to slimming world. I was so fit and ate sooo well before becoming a mum. I lived off biscuits for the first 3 months. It’s the tiredness, you can’t think straight and it’s so easy to eat grab and go food!!!! Anyways I’m at slimming world now, dreaming of my summer body 🙄😂

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