You can try a sippy cup or baby open cup. To avoid baby tooth decay when they start getting teeth. Read more about this here
We have just started at 7.5 months She took a bottle til about 3 months/4 months and refused it until now She actually much prefers formula in a bottle (think the milk tastes different when expressed especially if it's been frozen) We are week 2 so far and she has 3 bottles of formula per day I give her 4 onz at a time and she is also on 3 meals a day and has water from a sippy cup She still is a little boobie monster and still feeds like a hungry horris though I think it's more for comfort x
I do give her an open cup but she does spill some of the milk out.
@leah thank you 🙂 we don’t want to give her formula as it does sit well with her. Plus we think she has a cow milk allergy. I will try giving a sippy cup
@Raj it can be messy isn’t it I’m doing a combination of sippy cup open cup and bottle you could try something like that and give bottle for the big milk feeds and use the others for meal times x
Also try a straw cup! This was easiest for my daughter
At 8 months old I would bypass a bottle and start giving the milk in a cup 😊