Girl mums, what's it like?

I've just found out we are having a girl. I always thought my first would be a boy and my husband and I were convinced we were having a boy. It's a shock but a lovely one, but I'm just wondering how you find being a girl mum? Any advice appreciated 🎀🩷
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Absolutely love being a girl mum to twins I love the girly outfits and the pretty hair. Ngl if I was having boys I’d be lowkey disappointed but I’m glad I’ve got my girls

I always thought the same but we had our beautiful little girl 14 months ago, she knows her mind and is extremely independent already 🤦‍♀️ wouldn't change her for the world though 💜 im about to have baby number 2 who is a boy💙, obviously cant wait to meet him and see what he is like and how different a boy is to a girl x

it’s the best.. 💗 you have a best friend for life :))

Absolutely love it!! I wasn't bothered either sex but i love my little girl. My little bestie/mini me She is such a happy girl at 19months old x

I love it so much that I wouldn’t mind having another girl 🥺

It's the most rewarding and yet frustrating thing ever lol. Love my girl but she definitely knows what she wants and when she wants it and if it isn't done her way on her time.. tantrums shall begin lol. She's also 1 so I'm not sure what else to expect. I also have a boy who's 11 and no better lol

I’m so close with my mum, and I can’t wait until my bub is old enough to be my little best-friend and then through to adult hood ❤️

Looooove being a girl mum!!! But the sass, oh it’s real😂

@Bethany oh absolutely my little girl is a mini me 🤣 im terrified 🤣🤣

Oh it's quite an adventure. I've got 2 and my oldest is 20. I enjoy my girls but the sass and emotions are serious. Lol they're fun though and it's even better once they're older.

@Tammy scary isn’t it, she’s 16 months and tests my patience every single day so I dread the rest😂😂

@Bethany it really is 🤣🤣 mine is 14 months and tests our patience most of the time, she thinks shes highly funny, im dreading as she gets older and the sass gets worse 🤦‍♀️🤣

I wasn’t bothered about the gender of my baby but I am over the moon that it was a little girl!! Superficially the outfits are so cute 🥹 but also I feel like I relate to being a little girl as I once was one, I am excited to be able to guide her through being a little girl through to being a woman. She also looks and is very like I was as a baby which is quite special, my mum keeps saying it’s like getting to love me as a baby a second time which is quite sweet. I think a lot of people experience gender disappointment but I bet once she’s here you won’t be able to imagine her being anything else! X

My baby girl is a true fighter, she was born 6 weeks premature, in the NICU for roughly 2 & 1/2 - 3 weeks after…now she is gonna be 7 months on the 15th & let me tell you, it is so rewarding. You will look at her & see everything about her is just truly amazing, the flaws you see in yourself, you see the beauty of them from them, what you created! I love being able to get her cute clothes & have the cute little headband flower bows on her. I want her to stay little, but I want her to grow up at the same time. I can’t wait for us to be getting matching outfits together! 😍 . Now when she grows up, that’s gonna be a different story lol, the attitude & everything is what I’m not looking forward too lol, meanwhile she already having one lol. As long as your baby is healthy, that should be all that matters .🧡.

Love it I swear she’s going to be a tomboy tho because her dad 😆

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I never wanted a girl and definitely not for my first I always saw myself with boys or an older brother at least as I have older brothers. My girls 15 months now and she’s my absolute double and my best friend. She’s got the best little personality, she’s stroppy, independent, kind, just overall the best. Currently pregnant with her baby brother and I’m so excited to see her dote on him and also boss him around 🤣

She’s the freaking best 😍 that’s all I got 😂

Absolutely love being a girl mum!! She’s the best, little rocket😍🫶🏼 I always saw myself being a boy mum but from the minute I found out I was pregnant I knew she was a girl, wouldn’t change it for the world xxx

It's like having a mini best friend🥰🥰 being a mom is hard to any baby, but for me having a girl is special because I feel like I'm giving her what I always needed in a mother and childhood

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