Boy or girl 🩵🩷

12 week scan yesterday, my little bean is no longer a bean! 12 weeks exactly as of yesterday making my due date the 26th of August!! What do we think?
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Snap on the due dates!! Also had our 12 week scan yesterday! I’m going to say boy for you xx

One you can actually see the nub on!! 😆 My guess is boy

@Allie I know! They were perfectly positioned 🤣


Boy x

I have no idea about the nub theory but congratulations and we have the same due date!! ❤️

Same due date 💖💖 I think boy X

So I can confirm baby is a healthy baby girl!! Nub theory not correct! I was adamant it was a boy as well 🤣x

@Molly-May ah congratulations lovely! ✨ And thanks for coming back to confirm, it’s always good to know if we were are right in our predictions 🤣 how exciting now though you can start buying girly bits!! I’ve got to wait another month until our gender reveal 😩🤣 x

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