My son nearly 6mths. Doesn't really babble, mostly communicates with raspberries. He doesn't roll over on his own or even try to. He loves lying with his feet in the air but has no interest in, in his feet (most kids put them up to watch them or play with them). All of these are listed as potential sings of something wrong.... but they are also listed as normal for his age on other sites/guides. For autism in particular you won't get any certain signs until around 2yrs at the earliest as that's when their communication parts of their brains are starting to reach the development needed to assess it. My partner is autistic, as is his dad and grandad, so more than likely my boy will be but we are adamant to treat him completely normally like any other child until we are told differently by a professional.
Hey I know it’s easier said than done but don’t worry.. all these things you listed are completely normal. I’m not an expert but googled for myself majority of these (no babbling still l, not reacting to name) and it’s literally fine at this stage. The only child I know with autism was actually developing normally and then regressed at 2.5 years old