@Aimee I wish I could but she’s too heavy for me to carry! I have both and I can’t manage either! Xx
Really? They're designed to be used for much older than this Does she sleep in the pram?
@Aimee she weighs iver 1st. She’s a chunky baby🤣and I’m only small and yes until we’re back in the house, it’s like she knows!?
Mine will only contact nap he’s 4.5 months I literally get nothing done and it gets me down but u also enjoy the snuggles. If I goes to sleep on me and I manage to get him into his buggy if we’re out he wakes up screaming like he’s been abandoned
It’s totally normal. My first never wanted to be put down. Some kids are just built that way and evolutionary wise it’s a biological instinct to stay with mum (I.e. don’t put me down mum I might get eaten by wolves! Etc). I let both my kids nap on me. Sometimes when they’re very deep asleep I might be able to transfer for ten mins to travel cot but not often. I co sleep and use the carrier, bouncer and travel cot with toys in to get things done.
Btw I use the Cari fit baby carrier and it really helps if baby is heavy and you have a bad back as weight is more evenly distributed. My baby is over a stone and I love it. X
It's really normal. Get a sling/carrier that way you can still do things while baby sleeps