Reflux, bringing every other feed up. Mucus in sick and poop. Not opening bowels for 2-3days, specs of blood in poop or sick. Very unsettled, and fluid like bile bring up an hour after the last feed. Also nasaly bunged up
@Katiemae how much did your lo weigh before being diagnosed? My little one is 9 weeks, weighs 11lb, and I don't think he's doing badly with Weight x
I can’t really remember his weight but he was on the 0.4th centile. This was also after loosing 13% of his weight after born as i breastfed for a week. I do remember in 2 weeks on normal aptamil he put on either 2 or 4 oz, compared to the dairy free formula he put on 10+ oz in a week
@Kirstie we have a heat looking rash on the head side of the face. It has been there over a week and hasn't gone. He's mainly always unsettled and never seems satisfied after a bottle and always seem to want one but then in so much discomfort, he struggles to have it , terrible with colic x
Blistering nappy rash which wouldn’t go away Blood and mucus in poo Spots on face Reflux Rash No issues with weight gain, but he did also have a tongue tie which can mimic CMPA symptoms (obviously not the blood in stools though)
@Jazmin we have the spots on the face , no rash anywhere else... and all symptoms to reflux ... I'm in 2 minds as I've done partically most stuff to treat reflux and no better 😫, did you have a feeling it was an allergy ?
Reflux, refusal to drink his milk, constant crying, sore tummy, eczema
@Summer aww bless him.. he'll eabr a bottle but refuse when he's in discomfort. I just don't know anymore , I'm so fed up with it x
Refuse *
If you’re unsure push for a diagnosis, once my boy got alfamino (not broken down lactose, just completely hypallergenic) he was a different baby. Hope you get answers soon x
@Summer how do they diagnosis I don't think they know there self lol. The amount of crap they keep giving me and nothing works , I refuse any other drugs , I just don't agree with it x
It honestly depends on your GP, mine didn’t actually do any allergy testing, but I basically said I’m pretty sure it’s a milk allergy and explained all his symptoms and all the things I’d tried and nothing is helping, so they prescribed it for me. Some places are reluctant to prescribe the milk as it’s so expensive for them but if you just keep trying they will! Explain everything you’ve tried and just ask to try a lactose free/hypoallergenic milk and they will listen to you x
There will be a cause to the reflux. How do they take feeds? Is the latch good?
@Summer I've been twice now. I've explained everything, and he sent me home with laxatives 😆x
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@Jazmin don't think latch is too bad. He takes a bottle but is always miserable after but then still wants it, I think for comfort has such bad wind, so he'll kick about while trying to finish it. His colic is horrendous. I dread giving him a bottle , he never seems satisfied x
Have you tried the lansinoh teats? They’re brilliant and a better shape. It sounds like he is taking in air which can be the root cause of reflux and colic (colic & reflux are symptoms). How does he sleep? Is his mouth closed?
@Jazmin sleep is awful , and it always seems irritable , we just keep trying with the dummy or he's worse .. x
CMPA- diagnosed at 7 ish weeks: Projectile vomiting Spots on face that did not go away Eczema on face Very slow at putting on weight Diarrhoea